Pirsonal API

Personalized Videos API

Pirsonal's API uses a RPC protocol called JSON-RPC over HTTPS.

All calls to our API follow the following URL schema:


Where ACCOUNT_ID and ACCOUNT_SECRET are the account identifier and secret token provided in the account web page.

You can use barrister to easily create you own client.

For Ruby use gem at https://github.com/iwiznia/barrister-ruby/ which includes HTTPS support.

Media Upload

Upload details

  • Maximum upload size is 50 MB
  • Mandatory HTTP HEADER: Content-type: (video/* | image/* | audio/*)
  • Mandatory HTTP HEADER: Content-length: 1 to 50000000
  • Optional HTTP HEADER: X-SZN-FILENAME: (max length 200)
  • Optional HTTP HEADER: X-SZN_DESCRIPTION: (max length 1000)

Account uploads

Media will be stored in your account storage.



Per video uploads

Video will be deleted after video generation



Code examples

API Methods


With webhooks we give you the possibility to react automatically every time a video is generated. A webhook is basically a URL where we send an HTTP POST request to, every time a video is generated. You can manage your webhooks in a per TEMPLATE basis, via the API or you can use the web interface.

Our call to the webhook includes a JSON encoded video object with detailed information about the video in it’s POST body.

Webhooks Details

  • We expect a http status code of 200 in the response of our webhook call.
  • Every content in the body will be discarded, so you might just leave that blank.
  • If the webhook call to one webhook fails a Notification will be added to your account

Webhook call example

  POST / HTTP/1.1
  Accept: */*
  Connection: close
  User-Agent: Pirsonal
  Content-Type: application/json
  Content-Length: 432
  Host: localhost:10000

    "description":"Test video for webhoook",
    "name":"Test video",
    "status": {"code":"done"},
    "data" : "String passed as data parameter to Video Object when Template_VideoNew was called"

API Error codes

 { code: undefined, message: undefined } 
 { code: 1000, message: Template not found } 
 { code: 1001, message: Media not found } 
 { code: 1002, message: MediaID not found in scripts } 
 { code: 1003, message: Inputs not allowed for this template } 
 { code: 1004, message: Scripts inputs and medias mismatch } 
 { code: 1005, message: Bad script } 
 { code: 1006, message: Video file not found } 
 { code: 1007, message: Video not found } 
 { code: 1008, message: Media in use in templates } 
 { code: 1009, message: No scripts } 
 { code: 1010, message: Account not found } 
 { code: 1011, message: Error downloading medias } 
 { code: 1012, message: Error processing video } 
 { code: 1013, message: Error uploading to Youtube } 
 { code: 1014, message: Youtube Account not Found } 
 { code: 1015, message: Authentication error } 
 { code: 1016, message: Email already used } 
 { code: 1017, message: Bad password } 
 { code: 1018, message: Bad secret } 
 { code: 1019, message: No size specified (content-length) } 
 { code: 1020, message: Invalid Content-Type } 
 { code: 1021, message: Account not active } 
 { code: 1023, message: Youtube upload bad token } 
 { code: 1025, message: Account type not found } 
 { code: 1026, message: Payment client error } 
 { code: 1027, message: Payment mismatch } 
 { code: 1028, message: Template inactive } 
 { code: 1029, message: Bad input media } 
 { code: 1030, message: Error deleting video files } 
 { code: 1031, message: Video is not in Youtube } 
 { code: 1032, message: This account type does not allow custom video profiles } 
 { code: 1032, message: No video profiles in template } 
 { code: 1032, message: Duplicated profile name } 
 { code: 1033, message: Your account was locked after too many failed login attempts. Please try again later. } 
 { code: 2000, message: Stored videos size limit reached } 
 { code: 2001, message: Stored medias size limit reached } 
 { code: 2002, message: Video profile not allowed } 
 { code: 2003, message: Too much free objects in template } 
 { code: 2004, message: No credit } 
 { code: 2005, message: Max templates reached } 
 { code: 2005, message: Not all variables defined } 
 { code: 2006, message: CTA start time cannot be empty. } 
 { code: 2007, message: Atleast one field must be specified. } 
 { code: 2007, message: More than one elements have the same start time. } 
 { code: 2007, message: More than one elements have the same end time. } 
 { code: 5000, message: Internal Error } 
 { code: 2004, message: Please upgrade your account to use Static Templates with Pirsonal Player } 

API Test

Account ID:
Account Secret:

Method Execute

